Natural Kindness ...

Post By A Peculiar Diary

In a world full of benevolent souls ... er

 Yeah ok, so I imagine half of that ... 

you know a world full of benevolent souls?

I often think this world is beautiful but abandoned of natural kindness.

We live on terrestrial dirt where kindness is something we have to be taught.


I shak in a town with historical remnants of what once was ...

a small corner grocery store in the middle of an old Presidio town

reminiscent of the cultures that have passed through here

... A spot that makes my lips curl, yes, I smile a lot when I come here. 

I am truly smitten by this place.

But they don't sell gum. I like talking to people.

I like to talk about a naturally benevolent world.

You know the one that lives in my pretend world?

I'm disappointed they don't sell gum here ...

...but there's a painted Mexican "hombre" snoozing under

some hot chili peppers on the wall.

I like the faded artwork and the fact that this place is historical.

A truly adorable hole in the wall ...

They barely have anything worth buying because it's not organic or gluten free,

but I stop in just to admire the vibe and at least get a water.

It's hot in Tucson.

Dry desert heat.

I like desert heat, maybe because I was born in Israel.

But some people think it's unkind, brutal.

At least today the sky is filled with floating rain clouds.

Don't they look busy?

Yes, busy being grey because they know we aren't benevolent down here.

Like they're going to the desert to rain kindness on

its parched desperation for a benevolent people.

A people thirsty for the Word of living water.

I took this photo thinking it would rain but it never did.

It's not like we lack rain here in Tucson, we just lack kindness on earth ...

... and the earth lacks faith.

John 7:37,38

... YaHoWsHua stood & said in a loud voice:

"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said,

'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'

There's a bowl of water sitting by the steps for dogs

I thought to myself ...

... now that's benevolent.


A simple bowl of water for a dog.

They even have a bench they offer for the elderly who want to rest their legs.

This little grocery store is dreamy to me ... the dream I have of a benevolent world full of

small acts of kindness that are natural ...

not taught ....

... but they don't sell gum here.


(Copyright reflects pagan calendar)

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