Dangers of Religious Sects

What is a spiritual bond?

Is it bondage

Or is it connection?

I live in the desert, it's a desolate rich terrain that hides many secrets.

I undoubtedly feel connected to the land, to the depths of its imbuement.

I am after all Israeli.

But I beg to differ when it comes to faith, yep...

interlocking with other souls 

who believe in Messiah tastes like bondage.

Not a bond.

A clamp on my soul cutting off true connection

to those who have unsettlingly traveled 

far off into sects, divisions... and are now captive to 

trend thinking within their own tribe of biblical "clicks".

So I sound the shofar.

A call to unite believers... reminding us that we 

... are NOT the sect we subscribe to.

We are The Body of Messiah united in love.

My clip is just that, a call to love each other better.

Click to get a dose of truth:

I'm a non conformist. 

I urge you to hold on to your inbeing...

...and be not conformed to the religious spirit 

which in Greek means:


Your soul belongs to Elohim only... and He is free...

...so you should be. 


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