It's like living an inner life filled with heavenly inclination ...
... but having to adjust to 'a world bitterness' that smells like black vomit ... So what if I'm happy?!

                                        It's a command!

I refuse to feel guilty for owning a sense of joy .... 
I'm a happy tree with blossoming feelings bursting joyful fruit & I want everyone to taste Yah's smile ...

                           Is not joy the fruit of The Spirit? 
                                          Galatians 5:22

It's little things ... like a tiny free library at the corner of a street block, and the fact that my husband & child are so nerdy ... full of life's quirkiness ... yep, this hipster town fits us perfectly.

Kyle & Aneeri picking books

But allas ... the city isn't for everyone. I suppose when you don't have a car you really get to see the low, bottom of the barrel stains of society. 

My family & I have seen some very strange things around here.
But I don't care to acknowledge the dark side, it is dead to me.

I live for small simple joys that ignite heaven in me. 
Yahowshua once said "Heaven is in some of you" Luke 17:21
I believe in having heavenly gratitude for anything that is uniquely kind ... like this simple give & take respect of books ... 

I love this little library and how it decorates a boring block in the city

Yes, simple joys ... it's a choice to notice what exists around us that is actually intended for good. For me this also means ...

... that pain in the physical realm is sometimes necessary to burn out every impure stain in our bloodstream ... 
                                ... so that we can LIVE
... after all the world has never really realized that ...

                    Life Is Purity Uncorrupted

I personally seemed to have learned this only through the Bible.

                    You know the book people love to hate? 
               Yeah, the one that calls you out on your crap.


Where do these nasty stains on our life's canvas come from? 
Art like stains ... on the human soul ... what is art really if not a reflection of society's mind? 

Much of it is a reference to our Abba's masterpiece corrupted.

Abstract stories of wounded souls... the splat of a paintbrush onto an expensive high society collection in an art exhibit that caters to an upper-class status ... one which might or might not appreciate imagery imitating things gone utterly wrong ... oh this evil world. 

I question what kind of appreciation we're talking about, there's those who just love to look at gore ... blood & evil ... 

Evil ... yeah, evil is a part of the human condition that is derived from primitive thinking.

Yes, evil is primitive like a caveman that thinks it existed because science said so. 
                                     No, evil never existed ... 

            ... we bought it with our soul and it became.

                             Adam & Eve remember them? 

We are from the same soul, same DNA.
We are primitive as a whole collective soul, we believe 

They could be full of lies but if they are tempting, appealing or mesmerizing we act on them. Oh, that cunning devil ...

Nothing can exist outside a suggestion without our manifesting it through choices FOR OR AGAINST the Law of Yaho Elohim.

Yep, that tree of the knowledge of what is good & what is evil was just sitting in the splendor of dormant possibility ... not yet touched

                                    It's fruit was suggested ... 
                    ... it was forbidden to know wickedness
                                      Why wouldn't it be?!

                                    But. It. Was. Suggested.

Unsophisticated thinking always reasons it's primitive desires. 

We're always tempted to open what is secret, mysterious ... always eager to open a door without asking who is behind it ...   

                                       what spirit ...?

   We should be more concerned with opening heavenly doors

I'm just recently getting adjusted to my new glasses, they are pink like the rose-colored lenses I prefer to look at life with ... yes, I'm a realist ... I know the world is dying, but I rather look at everything living in the meantime, call me delusional...

               ... but I rather call myself realistically hopeful.

Some of the books in this little library are full of world lies, but the respect for the community's trust to give & take here is the light I see in this little library.

There are also gems you can find behind this little door, kinda' like a mixture of human harvest ... some are good some are bad 
We try to collect good people to be in our circle .... but it takes all kinds to make this world the way it is ... evil

... and no one is good but Yah ... but I am talking about human standards, a worldly book is fine with me, I'll say it was a "good" book if it is innocent enough ... like silly rhyming words, and how to cook a funny cake. 

I don't believe in being rigid just because we walk the straight & narrow ... and this is the issue I have with people in the faith ... many are disconnected from their own freedom in Yah, instead, they have mentally jailed themselves thinking it sets them apart.

I like being happy, but it bothers people. Misery loves company & I haven't been invited since receiving Yah's peace. I am however an artist ... so my family always accompanies me to art galleries ... and we look at art that cries a lot. Yes, at this people seem to panic ... 
but we live in a world that teaches us to lean on Elohim.

... and while I understand that life is a trial ... I also understand that the trial has gifts.

I enjoyed this day over a cup of Calendula tea and beautiful blue skies ... things that make me happy...

Lights off.



  1. If you and your husband be interested in conversing sometimes let me know our family and children are also followers of Yahuah. Bless You!

  2. I don't know if the first message got sent so I'm resending...If you and your family would ever be interesting in conversing let me know. Our family are followers of Yah also


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