Modern day ADAM & EVE...

My husband and I came across dry, folded, lifeless leaves. 
These crisps, were once part of a tree that held them high on it's branches as they swayed in the glory of their season. 

                                But they are dead now

What is the use of something dead? If not to remind us of sin...
... I found this old photo of my husband and I in between 'earth and tree' snap shots which gave me pause... it underlined a powerful image, an ancient whisper ... that we are all part of the fall.
                               We are Adam, we are Eve.
We are bought for a price, and when I say "we" I don't mean our physical body, but rather the spirit who is our identity, our very being. 

The price we were bought for was paid by sacred blood that was offered from heaven.

Now who, would want to buy us filthy spirits who are infected with sin? A natural question for a disciple who already knows the Biblical story, but a very un-natural question for a world who scoffs at the sacred text. 

Someone did buy us. Someone very special. 
                                    Someone who is Holy. 

                                 YaHoWsHua Our Messiah. 

However heaven and holiness is not what I want to scribe about at this junction ... NO. 

You see most people can't conceive of an underground black market that sells spirits into hell. 

But everyday ... somebody ... is buying our contaminated spirits- 

                              ... and NOT for eternal life. 

No. Nothing like that.

Our souls are being bought and sold regularly by evil powers and principalities in high places. Ephesians 6:12 האפסיים

If you haven't heard of the underground Seattle Market, then say hello to a possessed world of authority that does the bidding for your soul. 

Politicians, Lawyers, Judges and our legal system. 

It would be impolite to forget our lovely blue collard police, the corrupt detectives and high rank officers who guard these illegal underground dirt holes, where bidding for child pornography, fetishes, human slaves, drugs and wicked paraphernalia is the dark glory of our own government's discretion.

A place where even their own soul is auctioned off ...

                          ... yes, bartered for routinely...

... at the low price of their flesh, and at the eternal cost of their ultimate destination. 

A place they think is a big fat party, except ...

... there are no kazoos or stupid balloons stapled on a 'Welcome to Hell' sign ... there's no bar packed with gasoline beverages and coke bags on cocktail tables.

None of that buddy! Instead the wrath of The Most High burns there and a river of consuming fire where the soul and spirit of such sleuth hounds is eternally condemned.

People think hell is all "hear say" like some religious broken record stuck on repeat. Stuck on repeat. Stuck on repeat.

Most people can't stretch far enough mentally to arrive at the fact that there is method to how politics in the dark spirit realms hide the truth. 

                    A simple person cannot see the method. 

Basically by commercializing truth as old myth and twisting history into a propaganda circus ...

               ... they get YOUR OWN MOUTH TO SAY: 

                                 "The Bible is a crock

                   Is that not the typical response these days?

Does the mind of the world not spit out a ball of mockery against the authority of truth? Truth is the new hate speech...
... cause everyone wants truth to sound "pretty"...

                         YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

                                              THAT'S WHY!

Is the world really capable of seeking deep enough? 
Or is depth limited to the amount of "universal knowledge" they give us people? Ha! Is that all you got?! Universal knowledge?!

Is this what GREED looks like these days? 

                                   You greedy sons of lies!


                  That's what the world was 'bought' to believe. 

                  Too blind by the light they 'think' they receive.
When we know Biblically the universe keeps stretching, so how can it stretch in a time space that is contained in itself yet push into a space OUTSIDE of ITSELF in order to stretch? 

                             If ... the universe is all there is... 

How deceitful are serpent words... laced with dazzling light that spell bounds the mind into a false world...

The spell bound mind of the world cannot seek deep enough and discern how these powers and principalities create an aura of myth around truth, making good for bad and bad for good in order to re-direct a person's perception.

If you re-direct perception, you can create a completely different reality within a person.

These are scary times. Re-directing perception is the 'mother tool' the dark authorities use to deceive, manipulate and seduce the very vision of our mind's eye. 

How we see things, the direction in which we see things then controls how we live, and how we live then falls under either spiritual lawlessness or spiritual righteousness. 

Too many people think that spiritual kindness is all we need ...
                            ... to live a wholesome life. 

But kindness can be cunning if darkness uses it as a tool ...
                             ... to buy YOUR TRUST. 

                                No, we need more than kindness.

               We need to go back to the eternal spiritual Law!

          Spiritual Law is a design not many people are taught. 

Rather most of humanity is deceived into false liberty and false light. The light of Love is redefined according to emotions of LIKES AND DISLIKE rather than: INTEGRITY and VIRTUE

The glorification of feelings, emotions and the soul's "experiences" are relegated to our obedience to those very things. 

Emotional lordship over the human soul that can at any point manipulate our heart.

We have no perception of spiritual penalties but rather reject them if they stand in the way of our emotional cravings to do as we please. We want to be satisfied with our own selfish rules.

This is how we get seduced. And this is how these very dark powers and principalities blind us from the core of clarity and right thinking that comes from our Creator, who is Himself the core of life & truth:

          The One who is the very Law giver of spiritual order.

                                Spiritual order?! Heck no!

The modern Adam and Eve continually rebel 'heck no' against the notion that we have a Creator or spiritual Laws beyond man's earthly conceived ideas about our environment and inner thinking.

... Instead the modern Adam & Eve assume and embrace emotional laws and false enlightenment that only traps them inside their own ultra consciousness.

An ultra consciousness is a state of spiritual imagination that ignites mental influence upon the projector. The projector of those spiritual imaginations is you, it's me. 

We are under our own 'spell bound' influence that was suggested to us from outside. The outside?! Yes, the outside are the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms, these exude INFLUENCE over us in subliminal, psychological and infiltrative ways... 

                     ... not to mention some obvious ways.

We then take the suggestion we "liked" because it was "dazzling" to our "imagination" and connected our "emotions" to our "desire" to "experience" the suggestion, because it "sounded"... "magical".

... This is spiritual divination, which is a trap!

We then accept this and are actively projecting these suggestions and use these influences upon ourselves.

If the influence comes from the dark side, that is, from entities who are fallen from grace, we can be severely seduced into their magnetic field. 

This is because their influence represents itself as magnetic love, they use the magnetism of love to "charm" the soul.

It is not real love, but a synthetic prototype of real love.

To be charmed by it, is to be spell bound. In other words:

If our soul gets magnetized we are under the spell.

This false love is bait, like cheese to a mouse unaware of the trap. 

The New World order is full of these occultic suggestions, New age, Satanism, Kabbalah, False doctrinal Christianity, Paganism, Modern Judaism... and the likes...

I cannot stress strong enough, that we are emotional beings and are easily seduced by the emotion of magnetic love. 

This is how the dark principalities trap us in our own ultra consciousness. Using our own imaginations against us, this is how they gain entry into our sacred temple, that is, into our subconscious and re-direct our thinking from clear thinking to circular thinking.

This is how they destroy any direct and straight connection...

                              ...between us and our Creator...

                       ... between us and His life giving WORD:

 From YaHoWshua 

It is because we give them access by accepting their false light.

Our souls are being bought and sold regularly by evil powers and principalities in high places. 
   Read:    Ephesians 6:12 האפסיים

Not just by obvious evil, like the underground Seattle Market, that is, the walking dead on earth, world authorities who are sold to darkness themselves ...

... but many day to day people, and believers are sold to darkness through seduction that is not fleshy but rather sold to darkness by means of spiritual seductions, I said SPIRITUAL SEDUCTIONS.

          We live in a minefield, and there are traps everywhere.
                    Many are false spiritual teachers! 

3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
It is our mind that they want, because it is the head quarters of our free will, it is where we live.

So I say to you ... and I say to me:

                              We are Adam, we are Eve... 

              ... our only way to live in truth is YaHoWsHua ... 

                          The only One who EVER SAID:

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." 

John 14:6   יוֹחָנָן

Nuff said



  1. Compelling words, Evi. Most think of themselves as so wise, unable to be manipulated. I myself would like to think this ... but as I age, I see the trap this thinking can create. There is just one way, to shun as much worldly influence as possible and concentrate on The Perfect Pair. \o/

  2. Wow!Now this is truth. Who are you??:)


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