Nature is NOT Elohim ...

Beautiful People,

My Raw and blunt statement that nature is NOT life giving, might disturb some people, indeed disturb those who come from a different school of information. 

Information fed to them by institutions owned by an Elite that distorts reality in attempt to hide God. 

I say the word "God" for those who are not familiar that indeed, the term "God" is of pagan origin. I much prefer to address and refer to our Creator by at least a portion of His Name, Yah.

However, for those who have just found A Peculiar Diary, which is mine, I will mention the Creator as "God", the title assigned to Him by a worldly status quo attributed by academia and main stream conditioning. 

I will do this in order to eliminate confusion for you beloved people who are new to all of this.
Pages of my diary with burnt edges
So without further delay, I'd like to gently disturb you a bit, and lovingly introduce the notion that: 

Nature is not God, because if it were, and while nature has the ability to re-generate, it does not have the ability to survive extinction.

God who is Life is not nature, nor is nature life giving: 

... but rather nature is a result of a creative intelligence within it's design and still under the intelligent command of the Laws programmed into it BY LIFE who is God (Yah).

You're more than welcome to read that again. *Smirk

If anything within the creation disobeys the commands programmed into it's design, the damage may cause extinction to creation, that is to nature. 

Man whom is part of creation is known for this, altering nature's programming causing mutations that cause extinction.

Something as a whole that can not survive this, is evidence that it is limited. 

If something is extinct it cannot give life. 

Rather it is subject to it's extinction.

Therefor Nature's Law is only a system. A system that is subject to time, because it can extinct. 

If it can extinct: this means it is not eternal. 
If it is not eternal and indeed can extinct, it is not life giving, nor the life giver, but rather subject to it's programming. 

The programming that:

Nature does not survive the command to destruct or deteriorate should anything that is outside or different or foreign to the programming be introduced into it's blue print.

                                 Death is the result of SIN


It is not that extinction is natural but rather a corruption in the system. This in itself tells us that the programmer is clear on how the design is, and ought to be, and that the design must obey the prompts placed in it's design. 

By this we understand that:

Anything that can extinct is not eternal and therefor is not Life giving.

The breath of Life is God's only. God is Life, and nature the design- 
a system in time for the purpose of submission to the Life giver. 

Anything else introduced to this programming is the extinction of it's very purpose. 

There is power in the Name of YHWsHua.

He is the Word of our Creator, YHWsHua is life codes, He binds everything together in nature, and in all terrestrial, as well as celestial life, and by Him the universe is held together. 

  Colossians 1:17 הקולוסים

"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together".

  Hebrews 1:3 עברים

"The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the 
exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his 
powerful Word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven". 

Click to watch a snippet of me in the woods contemplating these very thoughts. These very depths of life:

The bottom line: Sin is a term that expresses what causes extinction. It is corruption in the system. It causes death to the design and blue print of life.

May we seek to understand who the Word is, may we understand that He is life codes, commandments and the sacred DNA that is in all that is good. 

All that is good can be found in Genesis בראשית during the seven days of creation:

As God approved what He spoke into existence by His Word YHWsHua. All that is good is in the past and indwelling in obedient believers in the present. His Word.

His Word's life codes, the life that comes from The Father's Holy Spirit manifested a Being in the likeness and exact representation of Himself, the Father who is our Creator in heaven. The One who came, the One who was on earth.

The life codes became flesh and dwelt with us. 

John 1:14 יהוחנן

"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth".

Beautiful people, I implore you to put aside institutions, and false serpent doctrines- and instead to read and study Scripture- so you may understand who YHWsHua is, and reverence the very codes of life. 

To find out more on the term "GOD" and it's pagan roots read my post entitled: 

                                              "The pagan term "GOD"".


Lights off.


  1. beautiful article of Truth...HalleluYAH!

  2. Regardless of whether I believe what you do or not, and I do believe what you do to some extant, I very much like the way your mind works and I feel resonance with your Faith.


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